Unit Timeline: April 25 – June 5

Central Idea:
Human needs lead to discoveries and new understandings.
Lines of Inquiry:
 Different human needs
 Reasons for discoveries and inventions
 Impacts of discoveries
 Inventors and scientists from past to present

Key Concepts:

Related Concepts:


Learner Profile:

Research Skills (Formulating questions, Collecting data, & Recording data)
Thinking Skills (Application, Dialectical thought, & Metacognition)

Specific Learning Objectives:
Gr3.B.1. Identify various technological developments used to satisfy basic human needs for food, water, clothing, and shelter
Gr3.B.2. Describe examples in which technology has changed the lives of people
Gr3.B.3. Examine the impact of particular technologies on sustainability
Gr3.B.4. Describe the connection between human needs and wants and technological development
Gr3.B.5. Explain the relevance of various inventions in relation to the time period in which they were developed
Reflecting on the strategies we use to manage change and face challenges helps us to develop new strategies to cope with adversity.
Gr3.B.6. Explain how a person’s identity is made up of many different things, including membership in different cultures, and that this can change over time
Gr3.B.7. Analyse how they are connected to the wider community
Creating in Dance
We can explore our personal interests, beliefs and values through arts.
Gr3.B.8. Express their unique values, beliefs and interests through a dance form
Gr3.B.9. Perform increasingly more difficult sequences with control
Creating in Music
We make connections between our artwork and that of others to extend our thinking.
Gr3.B.10. Improvise upon a basic pattern to reinforce the importance of the individual within the group
Creating in Visual Arts
We make connections between our artwork and that of others to extend our thinking.
Gr3.B.11. Make connection between the ideas they are exploring in their artwork and those explored by the artist through time, place and cultures
Gr3.B.12. Use a personal interest, belief or value as the starting point to create a piece of artwork
Listening and Speaking
People interpret messages according to their unique experiences and ways of understanding.
Gr3.B.13. Pick out main events and relevant points in oral texts
Gr3.B.14. Recognize patterns in language (s) of instruction and use increasingly accurate grammar
Relationships exist between standard units that measure the same attributes.
Constructing meaning
Gr3.B.15. Understand the use of standard units to measure perimeter (plane figure,irregular shapes and quadrilaterals) and area (squares and rectangles only)
Gr3.B.16. Understand the use of standard units to measure volume (cuboid, rectangular solid)
Gr3.B.17. Understand that measure can fall between numbers on a measurement scale, for example, 3 ½ kg
Transferring meaning into symbols
Gr3.B.18. Estimate and measure using standard units of measurement: perimeter and area
Gr3.B.19. Calculate the perimeter of rectilinear figure, rectangle and square
Gr3.B.20. Describe measures that fall between numbers on a scale
Gr3.B.21. Identify angles in 2-D and 3-D objects
Gr3.B.22. Identify angles in 2-D figures
Gr3.B.23. Identify right angles, angles greater than/smaller than a right angle
Gr3.B.24. Identify and name perpendicular and parallel lines
Applying with understanding
Gr3.B.25. Use standard units of measurement to solve problems in real-life situations involving perimeter and area (irregular shapes and quadrilaterals)
Gr3.B.26. Use formula to calculate the area of a rectangle/square
Gr3.B.27. Select appropriate tools and units of measurement
Gr3.B.28. Use timelines in units of inquiry and other real-life situations
Gr3.B.29. Recognise and explain symmetrical patterns, including tessellation, in the environment
Gr3.B.30. Understand that lines and axes of reflective and rotational symmetry assist with the construction of shapes
Gr3.B.31. Solve word problems involving the area/perimeter of squares and rectangles
Gr3.B.32. Draw perpendicular and parallel lines on square grids
The structure and organization of written language influences and conveys meaning.
Gr3.B.33. Use a range of strategies to self-monitor and self-correct, for example, meaning, context, rereading, reading on, cross-checking one cue source against another
Gr3.B.34. Make predictions about a story, based on their own knowledge and experience; revise or confirm predictions as the story progresses
Responding in Dance
People explore issues, beliefs and values through arts.
Gr3.B.35. Reflect on their personal and family history and make connections with cultural and historical dance forms
Responding in Music
There are different kinds of audiences responding to different arts.
Gr3.B.36. Share and compare their experiences as audience members at various performances
Responding in Visual Arts
There is a relationship between the artist and the audience.
Gr3.B.37. Sharpen their power of observation
Gr3.B.38. Investigate the purposes of artwork from different times, places and range of cultures including their own
Science Skills
Gr3.B.39. Observe carefully in order to gather data
Gr3.B.40. Use scientific vocabulary to explain their observations and experiences
Gr3.B.41. Identify or generate a question or problem to be explored
Shape and Space
Geometric shapes and vocabulary are useful for representing and describing objects and events in real-world situations.
Gr3.B.42. Understand the common language used to describe shapes
Gr3.B.43. Understand the properties of regular and irregular polygons
Gr3.B.44. Understand congruent or similar shapes
Gr3.B.45. Understand that lines and axes of reflective and rotational symmetry assist with the construction of shapes
Gr3.B.46. Understand that directions for location can be represented by coordinates in a grid
Gr3.B.47. Understand an angle as a measure of rotation
Gr3.B.48. Understand that visualization of shape and space is strategy for solving problems
Transferring meaning into symbols
Gr3.B.49. Analyse angles by comparing and describing rotations: whole turn; half turn; quarter turn; north, south, east and west on a compass
Applying with understanding
Gr3.B.50. Apply knowledge of transformations to problem-solving situations
Gr3.B.51. Analyse and describe 2-D and 3-D shapes, including regular and irregular polygons, using geometrical vocabulary

Social Studies Skills
Gr3.B.52. Formulate and ask questions about the past, the future, places and society
Gr3.B.53. Orientate in relation to place and time
Viewing and Presenting
Different visual techniques produce different effects and are used to present different types of information.
Gr3.B.54. View visual information and show understanding by asking relevant questions and discussing possible meaning
Gr3.B.55. Realize that visual information reflects and contributes to the understanding of context
When writing, the words we choose and how we choose to use them enable us to share imaginings and ideas.
Gr3.B.56. Engage confidently with the process of writing
Gr3.B.57. Proofread their own writing and make some corrections and improvements
Gr3.B.58. Use feedback from teachers and other students to improve their writing
Gr3.B.59. Use a dictionary, a thesaurus and word banks to extend their use of language
Text Type: Information Report
Reading Strategies: Determining importance, Synthesizing, & Monitoring for meaning
ICT Skills: Creating, Investigating, Communicating (MS PowerPoint)





https://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-the-band-aid-was-invented-moments-of-vision-3-jessica-oreck#digdeeper invention and timeline of band-aid

https://ed.ted.com/lessons/mark-salata-how-taking-a-bath-led-to-archimedes-principle eureka

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbAOseDs3KYv industrial revolution inventions timeline




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQUt8C4iVKc timeline of mobile phone

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJxNjkp_Zkg inventions that changed the world

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHLPnOoeOeM timeline of telephone

http://ed.ted.com/lessons/mark-salata-how-taking-a-bath-led-to-archimedes-principle Archimedes


Kid inventors




failed inventions video http://www.history.com/shows/modern-marvels/videos/edisons-failed-inventions