Weekly Planner
Dear Parents,
Please find attached weekly update for the coming week
Class 3C: Term 4 Week 41 (June 4-6, 2018)
* Year-end math review on 4th June
* Year-end celebrations on Tuesday, 5th June from 12:40pm onwards. Students to
wear usual uniform from home. During lunch, they can change into free
clothes. 3C students to wear –
Boys – denims, shirt (checkered preferred), hat and boots optional
Girls – denims/skirt, shirt (checkered preferred), hat and boots optional
* Three –way conference on 6th June
Learning Engagements this week:
* Mental math
* Speed test
* Introduction to lines- intersecting, perpendicular and parallel
* Spelling contract week 3-4
* Unit related comprehensions
UOI (How the World Works)
* inventions with harmful effects (dynamite), or short-lived (pager) inventions ;
* writing of information report for summative task
* preparation and practice for Inventors’ Meet
Learning Engagements next week:
* Year-end math review
UOI (How the World Works)
* Reflection and action
Ms. Priyanka and Ms. Pema
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